The timelime!

Here is the timeline of this incredible journey I’ve been on called life!

Writing out this timeline has been really helpful. This has really helped me understand me, much more.

Sean has written numerous books about his experiences with bipolar. He has also been working to help people struggle through their bipolar journey for a long time, Seans timeline truly inspired me.

This simple timeline really helped me, understand my journey even further!

Chronological order starting at birth:

Born in Chester, UK.
Perhaps I was enjoying ignorance, learning that much of school was of no great help to me, my cousins lessons in the schooling of hard knocks seemed to be more useful in the environment I was in. While in most school classes if I wasn’t playing around I was longing to be playing on bikes, being in the woods, playing in nature and being with my real first love, Tango, my dog..
Early 80’s
I often felt I was viewing the world very differently. I constantly wondered why everyone, including my beloved Mother seemed to be more concerned about people suffering in other countries than in our home towns suffering, without food and home.
Left school. Had no idea what I wanted to do. I loved the concept of being a Research and Development Engineer, I was told with my poor education I shouldn’t even bother applying for such jobs. I also had something in my mind, not sure when this was, I wanted my own business by the time I was 30. (see what happens later, when you let go of fear)
Mid 80’s
My first feeling of sadness. I asked my mother, why do we no longer see our cousins? A friend not so long ago made me aware that this was a time when politics was driving apart community and even families. It seems my mother for the first time was not so positive about our relatives and we rarely saw them.
Late 80’s
I started to feel frustrated and at times emotional at the world and people. Why was everyone feeling they had to donate to people starving overseas, what about people in our home towns and our own countries? I was unable to articulate my feelings, now I see the reason behind all this as clear as daylight. (blog coming soon)
Started a 1 year Youth Training Scheme at motor factory. Was offered a job on the production line, the thought of mind numbing work like this was not really an option in my mind.
1984 to 1989
Had a successful interview and got an apprenticeship as a specialist engineer as a high precision grinder / tool maker. After finishing the apprenticeship I was offered a higher position as workshop foreman.
1989 to 1992
I was no longer learning anything new in my work, the boss who was a great mentor was unable to offer me more free time off or allowing me to work on different parts of the business. Sadly he was stuck in the standard business paradigm and shared his views about this before I left the job. I left the job when I realised I was becoming bored with work. This was the first experience with depression. I followed my new passionate interest in music and got into DJ’ing and enjoying a more chilled out lifestyle.
Had my first thoughts about people possibly not liking me and if people thought I was smelly. Was this possibly my first experience with paranoia? Was my ignorance bliss? (Blog to come about this)
1992 to 1993
Moved away from home to London for another job high precision tool grinder / tool maker. I was told there would be prospects, which didn’t happen. Started to look into creating my own business.
1993 to 1994
Visited a friend in Jersey and moved to the small island of Jersey in the Channel Islands and got back into a little bit of DJ’ing and a lot of partying and life-styling.
1994 for a few months
I needed more cash for Christmas so I took a great job selling watches in a department store to find out that I really enjoyed face to face work in sales and service. Is it real human connection we are all missing? (Blog to come about this)
1994 to 1997
Had a successful interview and got a job as a tool maker and recently I realised I fulfilled another dream. Not only had I become a Research and Development Engineer, I became the workshop manager. We were building what I now know to be the most eco-friendly crop sprayer that Monsanto were not going to allow farmers to use.
First holiday outside of Europe, to Goa, India. I was very emotional and cried before leaving. Why was there so much poverty, yet people seemed so much happier in general than most people in the UK?
1996 January
The first manic episode, or was it really an awakening? I became really focused. (blog to come about this)
1996 mid year
Did something really stupid and went into emotional decline. (blog to come about this)
1997 May – November
Back packing around south east Asia. The aim was to learn about how people can be so poor yet so happy. I also wanted new adventures in jungles of Borneo, to dive on coral reefs and to learn about cultures. I quickly discovered a great passion for scuba diving and wanted to be a dive guide.
1997 November to 1998 November
Working visa for a 1 year in Australia. Enjoyed labouring work though needed more money fast so I got back in to engineering. Once I had enough money I did a course and became a dive instructor. I got the best job ever in Coral Bay, West Australia.
1999 January to November
I wanted to go to Wakatobi Dive Resort and look for a job, ended up on the wrong island and became a volunteer as dive instructor, guide and survey assistant for Operation Wallacea, a pseudo survey station on Hoga island in the Wakatobi island group. Met lots of great people, many of whom are still to this day very close friends.
2000 to 2001
Had an interview and started working as dive guide, within a few months I ended up as resort manager for Wakatobi Dive Resort, with no extra pay, it’s the dive industry after all hahahaha.
2001 to 2002
Was head hunted to work as dive guide, again, ended up doing much more and loving life as cruise director for Kararu Dive Voyages, same as above no extra pay hahahaha.
2002 – present
Started my own business, Diving 4 Images. The aim was to work with the worlds best; film makers, photographers and marine life experts. Learnt HTML, SEO, within no time business was thriving.
Existential crisis
. All my dreams and goals came to fruition, business was a huge success, living a great life in Bali, lovely girlfriend, great villa though I couldn’t think of anything to do with all the money I’d made. I could have bought a car, a house, a diamond ring for the girlfriend, gone on holidays around the world, but the thought of all this brought me no joy.
First therapist, diagnosed bipolar. I started to get into healthier dietary regime after reading a book titled You Are What You Eat.
First psychiatrists visit and another bipolar diagnosis. Went on Zoloft and felt even worse, heavier feelings of suicide. Began researching more into anti depressants to discover the the suicide rate seemed to be higher after medication.
Some time in between here I went on meds again. I was so zonked out I have no idea if I was on meds for 6 months or years and no idea what the meds were right now.
Did my first Vipassana meditation course and had a truly life changing experience. Partnered with a game changing free-diving business.
More meditation retreats and met a lovely lady. Realised I was really, well and truly in love for the first time in my life.
My relationship started to get really out of balance. I saw another psychiatrist and wenton meds again. Had my first ever panic attacks while on meds. Hit another major low and went into rapid cycle bipolar, which for me meant I was happy, sad, glad, mad in a very short period of time. (blog to come about the psychiatrists response to my apologies)
Had an epiphany about real change. I embraced the wise words of Yoda Do or do not there is no try. I wrote out the Daily Practice. I told myself I am going to do this every single day for a year, when I finally balance myself I am going to be of service to others. At this stage I thought only about helping others with bipolar. Little did I know the real potential that was coming. Stopped posting on all social media.
Already feeling really good and started to connect more with friends to find out how they were feeling. Discovered other friends were going through emotional challenges.
Covid came, I boosted my daily practice and life started to become truly meaningful. I was eating even healthier to boost my immune system, got into daily physical fitness regime and was virtually ripped.
Started to volunteer for a suicide helpline. The management were not really capable of managing challenges and shut the helpline down numerous time. 
I was in the UK and a team member struggling with bipolar was put in a role of operations manager, he went manic, got stressed and ended up taking his life. The helpline shut down for over 6 months. I volunteered to manage the project, to create a more professional system and get back to helping people in crisis. 
2024 April
Money was not going to the helpline, there was no tangible training and I was not given any funds to pay for training systems., the call center was very limited. After calling out the founder and funding I was given an ultimatum which meant I left.
2024 August
Created and a Suicide Prevention and Emotional Well-Being platform to be launched soon.