How about healing yourself?

I realised that throughout my life, I’ve always been interested in healing and the why’s.

It all started by asking our family doctors, and Mum, “why do I need to take this pill, it tastes so bad”.

From here till today, life has been a journey of nothing more than the great words of Socrates “know thyself”. This for me is the simplicity of what spirituality really is. There’s nothing woowoo at all about spirituality, other than the anyone who works on adding woowoo!

It took me a very long time to connect with the simplicity of it all. It doesn’t have to be that for you!

It is what it is – know thyself!

Another great quote to learn from comes another ancient Greek philosopher Hippocrates “let food be thy medicine”.

What other issues have I dealt with.

Besides working on balancing bipolar, I regularly work on balancing all the different emotions that rise up. Emotions such as loneliness, negativity, anger, frustration, doubt and more. I’ve also worked on a variety of more physical challenges and learnt huge lessons through each issue that I worked through.

Below are a few of these challenges. More information and stories about these coming soon…

  • Arthritic pains – getting over this really fast, now being able to turn it on and off. It was all about food for me.
  • Osteomyelitis (bone Infection) – Not needing an operation. Was it a positive frame of mind that saved me from the surgeons knife?
  • Plantar fasciitis – Quickly getting over this really painful issue.
  • Spinal compression – Crushing L1 vertebrate in the spine and later having a chiropractor look at me and ask how on earth the injury didn’t crush my spinal cord.
  • Acid reflux – gets highlighted in scuba divers, though is it a mild gluten Intolerance?

How can you make changes?

  1. Listen your body!
  2. The aches and pains are signs and signals that something is not right.
  3. Realise that many medical practitioners may have had only 1 day of training in nutrition.
  4. There is great information online about healing thyself.
  5. Consistency is the key.