How can you help yourself?

First of all, how about possibly taking a whole new way of looking at bipolar.

Think about this, what is a disorder or a disease?

For many of us, we may have been diagnosed with a disorder or a disease.

We do not have to continue our lives with this diagnosis. We can be so much more than the disorder or disease we have been told we have.

What do these words really mean?

I’d like you to think about the terminology of these two simple words: disorder, disease.

Simply break these two words apart, and there’s what it is – dis’order, dis’ease.

At certain times in our lives, our bodies are in dis’order. The Oxford English Dictionary says that disorder is “An illness that disrupts normal physical or mental functions.” This is more of a medicinal term that comes from literature to teach about a diagnosis to prescribe a treatment.

When we look beyond the diagnostic term, if we look at the bigger picture, disorder is simply telling us that something is not in order, it’s out of alignment, is it in a state of dis’order.

Same goes with disease, Oxford Reference states “Literally, dis-ease, the opposite of ease, when something is wrong with a bodily function. A Disorder that can be assigned to a diagnostic category…”. This time the dictionary even tells us about it being purely diagnostic. I would suggest that when Oxford states “something is wrong with a bodily function” that they are missing something huge.

Does the dictionary ignore the root cause, what really is the root cause?

Is it really genetics, or could it be something different?

We are often told that our root causes are genetic. Of course we all have genes that may lead us to a higher likelihood of cancer, diabetes, degenerative brain health and emotional health issues, along with a whole assortment of other dis’orders and dis’eases.

The latest science in cellular biology and epigenetics have already proven that it is not the gene itself that is the root cause. The gene is simply being a gene. The gene is waiting for the right kind of environment to trigger the gene to take our body and/or emotions into a state of dis’ease. This is often how we work, we are following in the same or very similar habit patterns to how our previous family members may have done so. When we follow the same habits, we give the gene the same environment that our previous family members did. It may be an environment of high sugar content which triggers diabetes and/or being overweight, it could be an environment of stress which triggers heart conditions and believe it or not, stress can also trigger cancer too.

Unless we are living a life that already lines up with the teachings of Buddha, Jesus, Mohamed or any of the late great sages and prophet’s there are going to be times when we go into a state of dis’ease.

Why is it always about diagnosis?

It is important with the present medical system to work on diagnoses. Once a diagnosis has been formed it is then much easier to prescribe the most effective medication. I was diagnosed by 4 different psychiatrists in 3 different countries and most psychiatrists still say that it is not possible to heal from bipolar without medication.

I am here to tell you that you really do not have to be on medication for the rest of your life.

Life really does not have to be like this.

How can you get out of this?

There are many different ways in which we can help ourselves.

For some, it can take a lifetime, for many, they live and even die (pass away from this life) unhappy.

My journey led me to my personal realisations and a discovery of just one method. This might also be helpful for you too.

I understand that there is no one way for everyone. However, I know this method works because I’ve been able to balance my diagnosis of bipolar naturally. I not only was able to balance my emotions, I’ve been able to truly learn how to live a much more vibrant life.

I also know it works on others because everyone who starts this and continues for a a few months notices huge differences.

I will be totally upfront and share with you, this is not a quick fix. There is no quick fix for living an imbalanced life. The only way forward is to work on creating a different lifestyle.

The aim of what I am doing is not to heal anyone.

I am by no means a healer and you are by no means broken.

All I can do is guide you on the steps and assist you on a new journey, a way out of suffering.

I simply offer support and a few different tools that have worked for me, and have been proven to work for others too.

The goal is so that you too can thrive, rather than merely survive.

This site is not all about me!

I totally understand that there is no one right person to assist everyone on their journey. If we connect and I see that there may be someone else better suited to assisting you, I will be totally open and will connect you with someone else more suitable for your situation or challenge.